
4 questions product managers can answer with Pendo Session Replay

Published May 6, 2024
When it comes to understanding your user experience, nothing beats actually seeing how users move through your product.

Product managers (PMs) know that all session replay solutions aren’t created equal. Yet they all aim to answer one core question: What are your users experiencing within your product?

With point solutions, the answer to that question is siloed across your product stack. But with a session replay tool that’s already integrated with your product analytics (cough, Pendo Session Replay), you can get a holistic view into the user journey, pinpoint user signals, and act on what you’re seeing.

An integrated replay tool lets PMs tie qualitative data, like customer feedback, quantitative data, like Net Promoter Score (NPS), and visual data together in one place. Identifying which replays to watch is much easier, and you can prioritize informative sessions based on who your users are, and what your users do (or don’t do) in your product.

The use cases of an integrated session replay tool aren’t just limited to product teams. Users across the business—from growth, to sales, to product design, and beyond—can make strategic decisions with quantitative, qualitative, and visual evidence to support them. But enough small talk. Here are four key questions your cross-functional teams can answer with Pendo Session Replay.

1. Where does my product have usability issues?

Even with extensive user research and testing, it’s impossible to account for every interaction during the product design stage. The good news? You can monitor and improve user experiences (UX) with Pendo Session Replay. 

Watching visual data helps you identify usability and satisfaction issues by understanding where users get confused or abandon tasks. With this insight, you can plan and prioritize product refinement and redesigns for a better user journey. 

Pendo Session Replay in the wild: Spotting new bugs

Cin7’s Digital Experience Analyst, Adrian Mendoza, noticed that users kept running into the same friction point in their workflows. With Pendo Session Replay, Adrian uncovered a product bug the Cin7 team didn’t know about yet. 

With the tools to experience their product through their users’ eyes, Adrian could pinpoint the challenge and share his findings with the right stakeholders for a fast, efficient fix. (Nice work, Adrian!)

2. How do users interact with new features?

Session replays are a treasure trove of insights when trying to understand how users discover and adopt new features. You can finally answer the product questions you’re losing sleep over, like “Are users even noticing new features, or skipping over them entirely?” and “Are features being used as intended?”

Replay-powered insights can inform feature iteration and guide future development efforts to maximize adoption and engagement. With insight into user behavior via replays, customer success, design, and product teams can:

  • Tailor onboarding strategy to better introduce and highlight the value of product features 
  • Provide real-world evidence to support (or challenge) design decisions, like showing users missing buttons because of poor placement
  • Validate assumptions and make data-driven improvements by seeing how users interact with the interface

3. Why do users drop off in my funnel?

Funnels can tell us where users abandon a process, but session replays can tell us why—and what to do to improve user conversions. 

Picture this: You’re investigating a drop-off point in a user funnel to book appointments in order to improve conversion rates. You already know where the issue lies—but you don’t know what’s causing users to drop off. With Pendo Session Replay, you can finally pinpoint that pesky UI element that’s causing confusion, and prioritize its redesign to improve conversions. While design’s working on that, you can also trigger a contextual tooltip to guide users through the workflow. 

Whether users are encountering error messages, confused by the layout, or losing interest, replays give you insight into what’s driving user friction, and how to fix it.

4. How do users feel about my product?

It’s hard to discern whether users love your product solely through replays. Unlike, say, NPS, video footage of user behavior can’t explicitly tell you how users feel, but it can still provide strong clues about sentiment. Pendo Session Replay lets you shine a light on features your users are purposefully engaging with, which can indicate that users are finding value.

On the flip side, it’s much easier to detect irritated or unhappy users with replay footage. Pendo Session Replay includes frustration indicators so you can uncover what elements of your product are getting under your users’ skin. For example:

  • Rage clicks can reveal UI issues by showing you where users are repeatedly clicking, like a button that’s not working.
  • U-turns tell you when customers bounce from a page quickly, which could signal that the page’s content didn’t include what they were expecting.
  • Error messages reveal where your code has issues and might be hurting your UX.

Want to see even more questions Pendo Session Replay can help your team answer? Talk to our team and schedule your custom demo today.