
How Product-Led Is Your Organization?

The path to becoming a truly product-led organization isn’t an easy one. It has a lot of twists, turns, and bumps in the road. But for the companies that can get there, being product-led leads to a huge number of benefits, including growth, customer retention, and user satisfaction.

In his recently-released book, The Product-Led Organization, Pendo CEO Todd Olson delves into what it takes to put the product at the center of your customer journey and overall company strategy. In addition, he shares best practices from years of working with product-focused companies and real-world tips for assessing where you are in your product-led journey.

Wondering where you stand as well? We created a quick quiz based on The Product-Led Organization to help you determine how far down the product-led path you are. Read on to take a guess as to which product-led personality your company best matches. Then, take the quiz to get the official answer. You can even enter your email for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Have fun!

You’re already far down the product-led path. You might already have your own freemium option, and you’re probably a whiz at tracking product qualified leads. The center of your organization is the product, and every team is moving in one unified motion with you. We don’t have a lot of tips for the pros, but share these resources for your team.

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The Pillars of Product-Led Customer Success

How to Understand and Optimize a Multi-Screen Product Journey

Customer Confidant

You love talking to customers. Your listening skills are probably off the charts and you’re a natural empath. Customers are open to talking to you about their problems, and you’re great at understanding their feedback. They might tell you a whole story and you’ll walk away knowing exactly what they need help with. But one thing we can work on? Product analytics. When you pair up those customer insights with analytics, you’ll be at the forefront of the product-led movement. Here are some resources on how to become data-driven.

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すべてのプロダクトリーダーが知っておくべき10の KPI

How to Become a Data-Driven Product Manager

The Four Keys to Data-Informed Product Management

Metrics Maestro

You’re using data to make product decisions and to better understand your users. Your love language comes in the form of charts and graphs. You probably love working with the data science team, and you’re the type that goes, “Do we have data to back that up?” every time someone makes a claim. But one thing we can work on? Qualitative feedback. It’s time to step outside the comfort zone of dashboards and into calls with customers. It’s not scary, we promise. Customers will surprise you, and they’ll probably want to hear all about the numbers you have. Here are some resources on how to get better at connecting with customers.

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Personalizing Product Onboarding at Scale

Know What to Build Next

Gathering and Organizing Feature Requests and Customer Feedback

Demo Darling

You’re just starting out on your product-led journey. You know your product inside and out. In fact, you could probably do demos in your sleep and convert some nay-sayers. But when it comes to being product-led, demos can’t be your ultimate weapon. Let’s work on your product analytics and customer interviews. If you combine qualitative and quantitative knowledge with your demo skills, you’ll be leading the charge of the product-led movement inside your organization. Here are some resources on how to jazz up your analytics and interview skills.

Recommended reading

Partnering With Customer Success: A Practical Guide for Product Managers

Becoming Product-Led: What It Means and How to Get There

Why Product-Led Growth Is of Rising Importance

Alignment Alchemist

You’re a social butterfly who works well with others. You thrive in team settings and you’re probably a natural empath. People love being on your team. You get the full picture when it comes to customer needs, which is impressive because not many people do.  Alignment is one of the biggest drivers of any successful product-led movement. But now it’s time to put those relationships into use. Try pitching a freemium model or self-guided demo with the teams you work with.

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The Path to Product-Qualified Leads


How to Set Up Product Ops in Your Organization

