Introducing the Radical Product Thinking: Vision Setting Course

Published Aug 28, 2024
Take the course to learn how to create an effective product vision that fuels innovation.

For most modern product teams, iteration is everything. They operate under mantras like, “fail fast, learn fast” and “move fast and break things,” and their next great feature is only a sprint away. But oftentimes, team members are moving fast in different—or worse, wrong—directions. 

The best way to solve this problem is to ensure everyone in the product organization (and beyond) is aligned on a shared vision for the product. But what does an effective product vision look like?

To help product practitioners of all levels answer this question, we partnered with Radhika Dutt, creator of Radical Product Thinking, on the Radical Product Thinking: Vision Setting Course. This free online course breaks down what makes a good product vision statement and how to create a vision that fuels product success. It’s also full of plenty of examples of real vision statements to help inspire your own.

Here’s what else you can expect:

  • 7 modules on creating and leveraging a successful product vision
  • Curriculum developed by Radhika Dutt, the creator of Radical Product Thinking
  • 1.5 hours of instructor-led videos and interactive Q&As with product leaders
  • Optional final quiz to check your knowledge and earn a badge

Once you take the course and pass the final quiz, you’ll earn a digital badge—just like Pendo and Mind the Product’s five other online courses.

What is Radical Product Thinking?

At the highest level, Radical Product Thinking (RPT) is a methodology that gives organizations a step-by-step, practical approach for building successful products. Radhika describes it as a new way of thinking about product management that’s made up of three pillars.

  • Pillar #1: Your product is your mechanism for creating the change you envision.
  • Pillar #2: You must envision the change clearly before you can build a successful product.
  • Pillar #3: Once you’ve envisioned change, you can systematically engineer that change.

These three pillars of RPT come to life in five key elements: Vision, Strategy, Prioritization, Execution and Measurement, and Culture.

In order to build a successful product, you must start with clarity of vision: What is the end state you want to create? Then, you have to translate this vision into a set of actionable steps, which is your strategy. After that, it’s all about translating your vision and strategy into priorities, then into execution and measurement—all while taking a hypothesis-driven approach. Finally, you have to use all of these elements of Radical Product Thinking to create a culture that’s conducive to innovation.

The power of an effective product vision

Although Radical Product Thinking isn’t always a perfectly linear framework—there’s typically a lot of back and forth among its steps—it all starts with a product vision. But not all product visions are created equal.

According to conventional wisdom, a good vision has to be big, broad, and aspirational. It also has to sound inspiring, and it has to be short (so that it’s memorable). Teams tend to conflate a vision with a tagline. But in reality, the more detailed your product vision is, the better.

In the RPT methodology, successful product visions share three key qualities:

  1. They are centered on the problem.
  2. They are shared by both your team and your customers.
  3. They help you visualize a concrete end state.

In the Radical Product Thinking: Vision Setting Course, you’ll learn more about what makes a good vision, how to write one in the Radical Product Thinking format, and how to leverage your vision in your everyday work.

Get a preview of the course

Want to see what the Radical Product Thinking: Vision Setting Course is like? Here’s a clip from Module 2, where Radhika explains why product managers need a radical approach for their product vision.

Ready to get started? Sign up for the Radical Product Thinking: Vision Setting Course for free.