
This Week in Product – Jun. 14, 2019

Published Jun 14, 2019

Finally, We Have an Answer

q: what does a “product manager” do
a: https://t.co/GLIl9oT1tD

— Freia Lobo (@freialobo) June 10, 2019

Your grandma still has no idea what it is you do. Your mom probably doesn’t either. We could wax poetic about what product management is (and oh, we have), but really, this says everything you need to know.

Arts and Sciences

We’ve written a lot of words on how PMs should work with designers and engineers. But when the PM leaves the room, what happens to their collaborators? We might think of designers and engineers as opposing forces, or at the very least not having a lot of overlap, but the truth is great products come from designers and engineers working closely together. Not only that, it comes from mutual respect for the craft of the other, and a collaborative spirit that does not separate art from science. This Dropbox designer has some thoughtful tips for helping you cozy up to your engineer/design counterpart.

Curious Opinions

In general, a good PM doesn’t have a lot of strong opinions. They may have passionate positions or strong data, but their role is partially to remain open and curious. More than anything, they should be ready to be proven wrong at any moment (by users, by data, by their teams). Make no mistake: this doesn’t make you loosey-goosey, just a better steward of your product.

Fool’s Gold

This tweet is part of a larger thread about building an audience before you build a product. The whole thread is full of cautionary moments, but we think this one is probably the most important to keep in mind. Don’t mistake fandom or hype for product-market fit. That can turn out to be an expensive mistake.

Shout Out

Today, instead of a favorite job in product, we want to shout out this Swiss organization for helping working parents in product get the right kind of job for them. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

