
This Week In Product – May 3, 2019


We talk a lot about how PMs need to expand their reach across departments and act as go-betweens in companies. A good PM is excellent not only at managing engineering and design needs but also at communicating with executives and understanding where sales and marketing fit it. It’s obvious why, and so it should be very clear why design leaders need to do the same. How do you make a stronger case for UX? Data always helps.

News To Me

This piece from Harvard’s Nieman Journalism Lab documents how newsrooms around the country are introducing product thinking to meet the demands of digital journalism. What is product thinking, in this case? One quoted director of product says it well: “Product managers are the ones trying to think holistically and bring people together on how to move forward with a big idea.” Are you a PM in a newsroom? We want to hear from you. Shoot us a note.

Did I Move the Needle?

This statistic from this week’s Chicago GOTO software development conference tells an alarming story we already know something about. Too many features get built that shouldn’t have been, and feature adoption is often deprioritized by shipping deadlines. As with every time we see “move fast,” there’s an important but.

Love Is in the Air

It’s springtime, and you might be looking for an opportunity (or new love). This job at Badoo is a chance to build something that really helps people. I guess that’s arguable. Let’s not get into it.


