
How revenue ops teams can boost sales effectiveness with Pendo

Published Nov 1, 2022



Amidst the uncertainty, the most forward-thinking revenue operations (rev ops) teams are stepping up and answering the call. Aware of this need for change, they’re harnessing the power of Pendo to help drive more efficient processes, helping the sales reps they support become more efficient, close more deals, and strengthen their companies’ business.



Using Pendo, rev ops teams can drive a transformation in sales effectiveness by improving how work happens. This starts with understanding how sales works today. Using Pendo’s robust analytics, teams can survey, for example, the sales prospecting process, which like most work processes takes place across multiple apps. Sales teams may be starting the process using a product like LinkedIn Sales Navigator and ending by creating new contacts in a CRM such as Salesforce. Whatever the specific apps used or steps taken, revenue ops teams can leverage Pendo to create a view starting with the first app in the process and ending with the final one to see if and how employees are completing it.



Using Pendo, rev ops teams can turn their analytics-driven insights into actions by creating in-app guides to deliver the right support to the right people at the right time. To take the above example, teams can target either specific sales reps by geography (whichever office is taking the longest to complete the process) or behavior (sales reps consulting an internal wiki to get clarity on how to complete the process) with a guide outlining the path to complete the process that will accompany them across the apps they use and meet them where they are. 

Rev ops teams can test the effectiveness of their guides, letting them run for a few weeks before returning to Pendo’s analytics to examine the results. If more sales reps are completing the process, doing so faster and/or without navigating to the wiki for answers, then they’ll know it’s working and can take additional steps to further optimize with new data. 


Want to learn more about how Pendo an help make your organization more efficient? Schedule a custom demo today.