
The best way to drive governance and compliance at work

Published Jul 29, 2024
Pendo’s intelligent DAP makes it easy for employees to work in the ways expected of them.

A director of data management wants to ensure that company policies preserve data cleanliness. A chief procurement officer has been tasked with verifying that all business purchases meet the relevant regulatory requirements. A VP of business transformation is struggling to get employees to adopt new digital tools and ways of working.

The position and specifics may vary, but the challenge remains the same: How to drive governance and compliance across a large organization comprising different employees, with different needs, who work in different ways? 

The short answer is: Make working in the right ways easier. And the best way to do that is with Pendo’s intelligent digital adoption platform (iDAP). 

The analytics-led path to better compliance

Compliance is essential to scaling business growth and operations. Employees who “go rogue” in how they use digital tools can lead to negative, even disastrous outcomes—everything from a damaged reputation to fines, contract breaches, legal action, and cybersecurity vulnerabilities. The stakes have never been higher, which means it’s crucial for businesses to find the most comprehensive solution. 

Pendo is the only all-in-one DAP that leverages analytics, AI, and automation so you can create the best digital experiences for employees to drive better governance across the entire org. 

Let’s say a business operations team wants to reduce risk and protect data integrity. With Pendo’s iDAP, rich analytics provides them a window through which to audit workflows in real time. 

With Pendo Analytics, IT, operations, and internal product teams get clear insights into compliance blockers and are able to answer key questions needed to improve employees’ digital experience. Are employees dropping off in a workflow? If so, where? Are they completing it in the expected way? If not, what alternative steps are they taking? Are they filling out all required data fields? Features like workflow journeys help reveal these and other pain points that hinder greater compliance efforts.  

AI-generated insights to inform support motions

What’s more, Pendo’s iDAP harnesses the quantitative and qualitative data from analytics and user feedback to provide AI-generated insights. Thanks to a powerful, custom-built machine learning (ML) model, business transformation and operations teams can easily build support motions.


The best way to get support to employees is in a way that’s timely, contextual, and relevant. With Pendo, teams can easily create in-app and cross-app guides to walk employees through new, improved ways of working. 

And since the reality of work is that different employees have different needs, Pendo makes it easy to segment guides to specific groups of users based on metadata (role, location, etc.) or behavior (if it’s someone’s first time in an app or process). 

Say that a revenue team is struggling with creating a new opportunity correctly in their customer relationship management (CRM) platform. Are the reps who are struggling to complete it the right way new to the company? Are they from a specific office? Do they share the same role? 

By answering these and other questions, Pendo makes it easy to identify the users who need support and tailor in-app guidance to them accordingly, all while leaving high performers and employees completing work correctly alone.

Once support motions are up and running, the same analytics data, feedback, and AI-powered insights can help teams identify what isn’t working and make what is working even more effective. With the power of Pendo’s intelligent DAP, business transformation teams have the power to iterate on in-app guidance and support to continually increase compliance rates and process improvement.

Want to see more of how Pendo facilitates data-driven digital adoption? Take a self-guided tour here