How I Pendo - Pendoの活用方法

We asked our customers, “How do you Pendo?” And the responses we got were pretty amazing. This curated collection features some of the most creative, impactful, and innovative ways people are using Pendo today. We hope their stories will inspire you to Pendo your next project or initiative.

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Customer Success Information Services Customer EnablementIn-app GuidesOnboarding


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Helping users help themselves
Marketing Cloud Computing In-app GuidesSelf-service Support

See how RingCentral’s marketing team increased app retention by 25% by creating an on-demand resource hub and building in-app tours to educate users on key features

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Stories from customers who’ve used Pendo to launch new offerings, drive utilization of their products, and get their users excited for new features

成長 アイデンティティ管理
Delighting customers for the long haul
Product Operations Shipping
Design Pickle
Adding urgency to drive adoption
Product Marketing Creative Services
Pendo has been a huge win for us in this time when every dollar counts and efficiency is super important. It’s made collaboration more grounded in tangible objectives and results, and it provides metrics that define what ‘better’ really means.

From: “Becoming data-driven to deliver better onboarding

Gustaf Jungnelius

Senior manager of product operations and performance | Scrive


Stories from customers who’ve used Pendo to expand their product’s potential, reach the right users at the right time, and act quickly to move the needle

To me, “Pendo’ing” something means I’m digging in to try to understand what our users are doing or what's happening—I’m uncovering a mystery or inputting information so that I can solve future mysteries.

From: “Making a culture of feedback the law of the land

Mary Lyon

Director, product feedback | Filevine


Stories from customers who’ve used Pendo to tailor their onboarding motions, delight their users, and create more immersive product experiences

プロダクト サイバーセキュリティ
Centralizing data to fuel customer centricity
Product Photography
Zonar Systems
Using in-app outreach to generate more and better feedback
Product Transportation Services
We equate Pendo’ing with driving business decisions. We no longer have to rely on gut instinct, and we can use Pendo data to answer a lot of key questions about our users.

From: “Understanding the user paths most traveled

Chad Parker

Manager of product ownership | Global Payments



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