
If you build it, will they come? Driving SaaS feature adoption in the age of continuous deployment

When users find value in the features you build, they’re more engaged in your product and more likely to renew and advocate. But a recent Pendo study suggests that the vast majority of features are rarely or never used. In fact, software companies invest up to $29.5 billion every year developing these underutilized features. Agile and continuous deployment practices have accelerated delivery of new features. But continuous deployment needs to be paired with continuous adoption practices. Otherwise, you may be delivering innovation users are unable to consume.

The map is your guide to navigating the sometimes turbulent waters of organizational influence. Using a simple framework, it breaks down organizational roles into:

  • The impact and implications of underutilized features on the global software industry.
  • The role customer success, product, and marketing play in driving feature adoption and how to assess performance over time.
  • Best practices for matching velocity in software delivery with consistent end-user adoption and utilization.

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