7 Events No Product Manager Should Miss This Year

Written by Beth Harvey  | 



The beginning of every quarter feels like crunch time as teams rush to budget and plan for the best events to attend in the coming months. The good news is that with the growth of the role of product manager, there are more relevant and product focused events in the US than ever before. The bad news, there are more product focused events than ever before making it hard for teams to decide how to spend their time. Since we’ve been in the product space for a while, we put together a list of the product events in the US we’re excited to attend this year.


SaaStr Annual brings together 10,000 leaders in the enterprise SaaS space to engage in some extremely relevant conversations about where the industry is heading. They classify themselves as “vendor- free” and their conference pricing ensures that only serious product professionals are in attendance.

2. Product Camps

We’ve found that attending Product Camps across the country is an awesome way to meet and interact with product focused individuals in a casual environment. The events pop up in technology hot-spots all over and are free to attendees, making it an easy, stress-free event for everyone.

3. Mind the Product

The Mind the Product blog is a must read for anyone dealing in the product- so it’s no surprise that their annual events don’t disappoint either. Started in 2012, it’s one of the largest conference focused specifically on product managers.

4. Industry

Industry is another conference that is specifically focused on the product manager- and it shows. The conference includes experienced speakers with a mix of working sessions that give attendees a chance to go beyond networking and actually learn a thing or two about their role.

5. SiriusDecision Summit

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The SiriusDecisions Summit describes itself as a collaboration between sales, marketing, and product. While not as product focused as a few of our previous picks, they provide data focused takeaways that can be applied throughout an entire organization.

6. Uservoice BASiS


As this is a Uservoice’s first annual conference, it’s a great fit for many product managers focused on optimizing data in their role. The one-day event will include sessions focused on combining the user experience with the product data, attendees will discover management methodologies, processes, and technologies all rooted in data.

7. Pendomonium

Last but not least, we had to include the event our team is most excited for: Pendomonium 2017, Pendo’s first annual product experience conference. The 3-day event will feature sessions led by some of our favorite companies on strategies to collaborate across product management, UX, and customer success to deliver an exceptional product experience.