
Every organization is a software company: The new reality of work

Introduction: The workplace, transformed

There was once a time when people thought of software companies as companies that made software. The phrase would bring to mind images of tech teams hard at work building the next killer app or revolutionary digital product. And that was true—as far as it went. But even before the COVID-19 pandemic shifted countless jobs and teams to remote settings, the idea of what constitutes a software company was changing and broadening in unprecedented ways.

With the rise of the digital workplace, the days in which one can think of software companies as being synonymous with tech companies are over. No matter what industry an organization may be in, it relies on software to get things done and realize key business objectives. A financial services company, for example, may not think of itself as a software company, and yet software is what it uses to move money, engage with customers, and accomplish the countless other tasks that keep it going as a business. Even a government agency looking to deliver a better digital experience for citizens for tasks such as renewing a driver’s license or paying property taxes, relies on software.

In so many ways, software has also gone from being a part of the workplace to the workplace itself. It’s the place where teams come to new insights, form objectives, and execute against their goals. It’s the means through which we communicate and collaborate. And it’s the factor that plays an outsize role in shaping both the employee and customer experience.

In short, every organization is now a software company, whether they acknowledge it or not.

Software companies work differently

If traditional organizations want to thrive in today’s digital work world, they should look at how the most successful software companies operate. Those companies are product led. They put the user at the center of how they think. They keep their interfaces simple and intuitive, with a focus on removing any digital friction points. They’re not afraid to iterate and experiment, and they take pride in building a community around their product. In order to succeed, organizations today need to apply these very principles internally–to their own employees and the software they use at work.

Recognizing that every organization is a software company brings great challenges—but also great opportunities. In this e-book, we’ll look at the ways in which the shift to digital has transformed how employees, managers, and business technology leaders specifically think about the workplace and how their expectations related to it have changed. We’ll explore the hurdles that have arisen with these new ways of working and lay out the right way to think about digital transformation. And we’ll cover the ways in which prioritizing better work experiences for employees leads to better business outcomes.

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