Pendo Story: BombBomb

Written by Beth Harvey  | 




BombBomb is a tool that allows customers to get face-to-face with more people, more often through simple video email. The BombBomb platform allows people to get personal with their connections to inspire engagement and build stronger relationships. They partnered with Pendo to create a better product experience as they work to fulfill their mission of “rehumanizing” the planet. Jeremy Kleier, a Customer Success Engineer at BombBomb, spoke with us about how the team has been able to utilize Pendo for more intuitive onboarding over the last year.



Onboarding ‘Prompt’ly

However, they quickly discovered the added value Pendo could provide when onboarding users into a new platform. This became a key use case for the team when they released their newest product, Prompt. Prompt was developed to fill the missing gap of a personalized communication strategy for the real estate market. Their initial onboarding strategy for this product quickly changed when they recognized the demand that was driving it. Kleier explained, “When we launched Prompt, we thought we would sell the product at a sustainable pace where we could create a ‘white glove’ experience and do a personal onboarding session for everyone. As it turned out, our Customer Success Managers (CSMs) weren’t able to keep up with the pace that Prompt was selling at, so we needed to find a scalable solution that wouldn’t take away from the personable feeling we’d worked so hard to create.”

So, the team turned to Pendo to create a more intuitive onboarding process directly in the product. They created an onboarding program via Pendo guides that was so easy and intuitive, their new customers felt empowered to continue the journey on their own. The onboarding process was simple but effective. Kleier recounted, “We created about six in-app guides to give people a warm welcome to Prompt, teach them how to upload contact lists into the correct spot, show them how to order their customized email design and complete few more tasks that were critical in setting up their Prompt account.”



BombBombチームにとって効果的なオンボーディングの鍵は、顧客のニーズに基づいて体験をカスタマイズする能力でした。企業の顧客はそれぞれ異なるタイプの体験を必要としており、全員に同じオンボーディングフローを提供しても意味がありませんでした。そこで、オンボーディングで何を達成しようとしているのかを顧客が選択できる「Create Your Own Experience(自分だけの体験を作る)」というオンボーディングフローを作りました。

As well, an unexpected outcome of Pendo’s onboarding experience was additional insights into the customer journey. Kleier saw this change happen firsthand: “Pendo also made us think more about the customer experience instead of just the user experience. We were examining the customer journey, which can become a long, convoluted process depending on the avenue in how people became our customers. We didn’t want our customers to be overwhelmed by emails and phone calls and Pendo guides all saying the same thing, so Pendo forced us to consider how we approached customers through our communication avenues and encouraged brevity in our verbiage in-app.”

Expanding Into Mobile

For many software companies, the customer journey spans mobile and Web experiences as customers move between devices – precisely what BombBomb aims to do with their newly launched mobile capabilities. The BombBomb team describes the new features by stating, “In the new app, customers will be able to send video email, schedule emails, use canned responses, and track sent messages – just like they would in the BombBomb application – all while being in a mobile inbox environment.”



