
Written by Laura Pressman  | 



When product ops is an established function, they’re responsible for generating insights to inform product strategy and advise decision makers. But as we’ve researched the role more, we’ve found that product ops is also often tasked with connecting the product to a company’s top and bottom lines. It’s easier said than done, of course, but the best way to understand if a product is doing what it’s supposed to do (i.e., generating and growing revenue) is to understand how it’s being used, and then continuously target, iterate, analyze, and repeat.

More specifically, teams need to be able to visualize product usage over time and by different user segments in order to know where the product is succeeding — and where it’s falling short. And with the rise in product ops and availability of product analytics tools, there’s now a dedicated function to own this continuous customization and optimization process.



Maybe there’s a certain product area that isn’t getting as much love as you want, is consistently included in detractors’ NPS comments, or is the source of a ton of user feedback. 





This is particularly helpful if you’ve released an improvement or new feature within a certain product area. Seeing a shift in behavior of a user group before and after the release can indicate if the change is making the impact (e.g., increase in feature clicks, page views, or track events) you desired. 



ユーザーの行動の背後にある「理由」を調べる際に、データエクスプローラーの追加の[セグメント(Segments)]パラメータと[グループ化(Group By)]パラメータを使用すると、さまざまなタイプのお客様の傾向を把握するのに役立ちます。たとえば、新しい機能に関するガイドを参照したセグメントと、そのガイドを参照しなかったユーザーセグメントの、機能の使用状況を比較できます。



Additionally, if you find that specific users (or visitors) who have not seen a guide are also trailing in usage of that specific feature, you can easily create a new visitor segment in Pendo. This way, you’re able to launch an in-app education campaign and target specific guides to this set of users, encouraging them to try the feature or walking them through how to use it. 





